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This page show you how to use this site. It's very simple...
Leftward in each page*, you find a menu. You just have to click on what you are interested with, and you reach the right page.
Rightward in each page*, you find four icons.
*except in the home page and the site map.
A click on the interrogation mark, you reach the help page (like on this present moment).
A click on the magnifying glass, and you reach the search page. Here you have to type keywords to search for a page of the site (in the same way as Google, but only in
A click on the book, and you reach the page where you find books to download (and print) freely.
A click on the envelop, and you reach the page for sending a message to
On the left top of each page, you find some links that show you where you are in this web site. You may click on them to go back in the site pages.
In several places, you find little flowers or little stars. Click on them, and you go to the top of the page.
Some texts spread on several pages. In this case, you find little arrows on the bottom of the page. Click on the leftward arrow, and you reach the preceding page; click on the rightward arrow, and you reach the following one.
On the bottom of each page, you find a link called "site map". Click on it, and you reach a page that shows all the pages of the site, with links (even in other languages).
You will find also classic links, inside the text, underlined and in another colour. If they are no more underlined, it means you already went there.
This web site is made for explaining Buddhism to children and teenagers. Yet it may occur that some parts of the text seem difficult to understand. If you feel that a page is so, do not worry; some others are easy to understand.
Difficult words are underlined (like the word "cursor", a little further). You just have to let the cursor stay there one second. A little explanation will appear.
You will find also Pali words (which are in the Buddha's language). They are in italics and in another colour (like other links). Click on them, and you reach their definitions in the Pali glossary. To come back where you were, just click on the return link in your navigator.
You find a link, on the right top of the page. In this present moment you are in the "boygirl version". If you are a girlboy, click on this link to reach the "girl versionboy version".
If the pages are blank, with only text but no pictures and no colours, click on the link on the top of the page.
So, you know now all you have to know to surf on in the best way.
If you encounter any difficulty, send a mail to!
If you feel you're old enough and is no more suitable for you, go to
Texts, graphics and pictures: Monk Dhamma Sāmi
• Translation: Michel Gaillard
• Uploading of this page: 19.03.2007
• For children:
• For adults:
• This website is under CC licence
• Firefox